





STROMSTÄRKE’s range of ser­vices focuses on tech­nical tasks in the con­text of rene­wable energy pro­jects. Our acti­vi­ties range from wind and PV parks to small hydro and bio­mass plants. We also pursue our own deve­lo­p­ments in the wind and PV sector. This makes us the right partner for you as a uti­lity com­pany, finan­cial investor, lan­downer or muni­cipal decision-maker.

Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, we know the chal­lenges of rene­wable power plant pro­jects and have con­ti­nuously deepened our under­stan­ding of the inter­re­la­tions. Our exper­tise covers all rele­vant areas from deve­lo­p­ment to con­cept opti­mi­sa­tion, pro­cu­re­ment and con­s­truc­tion manage­ment through to ope­ra­tional manage­ment. We are able to sup­port you both in indi­vi­dual points and throug­hout the entire pro­ject.

As engi­neers, we work on inno­va­tive ideas and solu­tions to rea­lise your pro­jects and ensure a sus­tainable energy supply. The sys­tems we have deve­loped and con­s­tructed demons­trate the tech­no­lo­gical range of our work to date and the diver­sity of the goals we have achieved. We can the­r­e­fore look back with pride on num­e­rous rea­lised pro­jects in dif­fe­rent count­ries.

STROMSTÄRKE was founded with the vision of using our know­ledge to rea­lise pro­jects in a tech­ni­cally and eco­no­mic­ally effi­cient manner and to con­tri­bute to the suc­cess of the energy tran­si­tion. With an app­re­cia­tive and coope­ra­tive way of working, we bring our full exper­tise to every pro­ject. Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we make a posi­tive con­tri­bu­tion to a sus­tainable and envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly future.

“We look after your pro­ject from the gren meadow
to the first kilo­watt hour fed into the grid.”






STROMSTÄRKE’s range of ser­vices focuses on tech­nical tasks in the con­text of rene­wable energy pro­jects. Our acti­vi­ties range from wind and PV parks to small hydro and bio­mass plants. We also pursue our own deve­lo­p­ments in the wind and PV sector. This makes us the right partner for you as a uti­lity com­pany, finan­cial investor, lan­downer or muni­cipal decision-maker.

Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, we know the chal­lenges of rene­wable power plant pro­jects and have conti-nuously deepened our under-stan­ding of the inter­re­la­tions. Our exper­tise covers all rele­vant areas from deve­lo­p­ment to con­cept opti­mi­sa­tion, pro­cu­re­ment and con­s­truc­tion manage­ment through to ope­ra­tional manage­ment. We are able to sup­port you in indi­vi­dual points and throug­hout the entire pro­ject.

STROMSTÄRKE’s range of ser­vices focuses on tech­nical tasks in the con­text of rene­wable energy pro­jects. Our acti­vi­ties range from wind and PV parks to small hydro and bio­mass plants. We also pursue our own deve­lo­p­ments in the wind and PV sector. This makes us the right partner for you as a uti­lity com­pany, finan­cial investor, lan­downer or muni­cipal decision-maker.

As engi­neers, we work on inno­va­tive ideas and solu­tions to rea­lise your pro­jects and ensure a sus­tainable energy supply. The sys­tems we have deve­loped and con­s­tructed demons­trate the tech­no­lo­gical range of our work to date and the diver­sity of the goals we have achieved. We can the­r­e­fore look back with pride on num­e­rous rea­lised pro­jects in dif­fe­rent count­ries.

Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, we know the chal­lenges of rene­wable power plant pro­jects and have con­ti­nuously deepened our under­stan­ding of the inter­re­la­tions. Our exper­tise covers all rele­vant areas from deve­lo­p­ment to con­cept opti­mi­sa­tion, pro­cu­re­ment and con­s­truc­tion manage­ment through to ope­ra­tional manage­ment. We are able to sup­port you both in indi­vi­dual points and throug­hout the entire pro­ject.

As engi­neers, we work on inno­va­tive ideas and solu­tions to rea­lise your pro­jects and ensure a sus­tainable energy supply. The sys­tems we have deve­loped and con­s­tructed demons­trate the tech­no­lo­gical range of our work to date and the diver­sity of the goals we have achieved. We can the­r­e­fore look back with pride on num­e­rous rea­lised pro­jects in dif­fe­rent count­ries.

STROMSTÄRKE was founded with the vision of using our know­ledge to rea­lise pro­jects in a tech­ni­cally and eco­no­mic­ally effi­cient manner and to con­tri­bute to the suc­cess of the energy tran­si­tion. With an app­re­cia­tive and coope­ra­tive way of working, we bring our full exper­tise to every pro­ject. Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we make a posi­tive con­tri­bu­tion to a sus­tainable and envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly future.

STROMSTÄRKE was founded with the vision of using our know­ledge to rea­lise pro­jects in a tech­ni­cally and eco­no­mic­ally effi­cient manner and to con­tri­bute to the suc­cess of the energy tran­si­tion. With an app­re­cia­tive and coope­ra­tive way of working, we bring our full exper­tise to every pro­ject. Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we make a posi­tive con­tri­bu­tion to a sus­tainable and envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly future.

“We look after your pro­ject from the green
meadow to the first kilo­watt hour fed into the grid.”


“We look after your pro­ject
from the green meadow to the first
kilo­watt hour fed into the grid.”


Excerpt of our clients

Excerpt of our clients

With the Stromstärke team, we are delighted
have an experienced and competent partner
for the realisation of our projects!”


With the Stromstärke team, we are delighted
to have an experienced and competent partner

for the realisation of our pro­jects!”