Areas of Activity

Areas of Activity

The sun is the main source of rene­wable energy and offers a wide range of solu­tions for a suc­cessful energy tran­si­tion. The radia­tion it emits rea­ches the earth’s sur­face and, in addi­tion to being con­verted directly into elec­tri­city using pho­to­vol­taics, it also serves as the basis for other forms of elec­tri­city gene­ra­tion such as wind power, hydro­power and bio­mass. The vola­tile nature of these tech­no­lo­gies and the slow pro­gress being made in expan­ding the elec­tri­city grid require tech­nical adapt­a­tion to the pre­vai­ling con­di­tions. Elec­tri­city gene­ra­tion must also be har­mo­nised with demand and eco­nomic mar­ke­ting oppor­tu­ni­ties. At STROMSTÄRKE, we offer you opti­mised plan­ning for every loca­tion and every tech­no­logy.

The sun is the main source of rene­wable energy and offers a wide range of solu­tions for a suc­cessful energy tran­si­tion. The radia­tion it emits rea­ches the earth’s sur­face and, in addi­tion to being con­verted directly into elec­tri­city using pho­to­vol­taics, it also serves as the basis mmm

for other forms of elec­tri­city gene­ra­tion such as wind power, hydro­power and bio­mass. The vola­tile nature of these tech­no­lo­gies and the slow pro­gress being made in expan­ding the elec­tri­city grid require tech­nical adapt­a­tion to mmmmmm

the pre­vai­ling con­di­tions. Elec­tri­city gene­ra­tion must also be har­mo­nised with demand and eco­nomic mar­ke­ting oppor­tu­ni­ties. At STROMSTÄRKE, we offer you opti­mised plan­ning for every loca­tion and every tech­no­logy. mm

Areas of Activity

The sun is the main source of rene­wable energy and offers a wide range of solu­tions for a suc­cessful energy tran­si­tion. The radia­tion it emits rea­ches the earth’s sur­face and, in addi­tion to being con­verted directly into elec­tri­city using pho­to­vol­taics, it also serves as the basis for other forms of elec­tri­city gene­ra­tion such as wind power, hydro­power and bio­mass.

The vola­tile nature of these tech­no­lo­gies and the slow pro­gress being made in expan­ding the elec­tri­city grid require tech­nical adapt­a­tion to the pre­vai­ling con­di­tions. Elec­tri­city gene­ra­tion must also be har­mo­nised with demand and eco­nomic mar­ke­ting oppor­tu­ni­ties. At STROMSTÄRKE, we offer you opti­mised plan­ning for every loca­tion and every tech­no­logy.

“We rea­lise rene­wable energy pro­jects to ensure a planet
worth living on for future gene­ra­tion.”


“We rea­lise rene­wable energy pro­jects to ensure a planet
worth living on for future gene­ra­tions.”


“We rea­lise rene­wable energy pro­jects to ensure a planet
worth living on for future gene­ra­tions.”