
Over the past few years, we have suc­cessfully sup­ported a large number of pro­jects. Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we have always been able to master the chal­lenges that have arisen and find and rea­lise the eco­nomic and tech­nical optimum for each pro­ject idea. The pro­jects we have imple­mented include the deve­lo­p­ment and con­s­truc­tion of wind farms in Ger­many and abroad, the mm

con­s­truc­tion of a 400 kV trans­former sta­tion, the design of PV sys­tems and the opti­mi­sa­tion of the plants’ ope­ra­tional manage­ment. We work to develop inno­va­tive and sus­tainable solu­tions that offer our cus­to­mers long-term bene­fits. If you would like to find out more about the pro­jects we have com­pleted or how we can help you with your pro­ject, please contact us.

“We look back with pride on the past pro­jects
that we have suc­cessfully com­pleted.”




Over the past few years, we have suc­cessfully sup­ported a large number of pro­jects. Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we have always been able to master the chal­lenges that have arisen and find and rea­lise the eco­nomic and tech­nical optimum for each pro­ject idea. The pro­jects we have imple­mented include the deve­lo­p­ment and con­s­truc­tion of wind farms in Ger­many and abroad, the con­s­truc­tion of a 400 kV trans­former sta­tion, the design of PV sys­tems and the opti­mi­sa­tion of the plants’ ope­ra­tional manage­ment. We work to develop inno­va­tive and sus­tainable solu­tions that offer our cus­to­mers long-term bene­fits. If you would like to find out more about the pro­jects we have com­pleted or how we can help you with your pro­ject, please contact us.

Over the past few years, we have suc­cessfully sup­ported a large number of pro­jects. Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we have always been able to master the chal­lenges that have arisen and find and rea­lise the eco­nomic and tech­nical optimum for each pro­ject idea. The mmmmmm

pro­jects we have imple­mented include the deve­lo­p­ment and con­s­truc­tion of wind farms in Ger­many and abroad, the con­s­truc­tion of a 400 kV trans­former sta­tion, the design of PV sys­tems and the opti­mi­sa­tion of the plants’ ope­ra­tional manage­ment. We work to develop n

inno­va­tive and sus­tainable solu­tions that offer our cus­to­mers long-term bene­fits. If you would like to find out more about the pro­jects we have com­pleted or how we can help you with your pro­ject, please contact us. mmm

“We look back with pride on the past pro­jects
that we have suc­cessfully com­pleted.”


“We look back with pride on the past pro­jects
that we have suc­cessfully com­pleted.”



Loca­tion: Aus­tria / Styria
Tech­no­logy: Wind & PV-Hybrid
Capa­city: 32 MW + 12 MWp
Pro­ject ope­rator: ImWind
Period: 2011 — 2023

The plant is located at around 1900 metres above sea level and has been in ope­ra­tion since 2003. Several expan­sion stages — the expan­sion with a 2 MWp PV system in 2011 and an Enercon system in 2013, the repowe­ring of the first wind tur­bines with nine Vestas sys­tems in 2017 and the hybrid con­nec­tion of a fur­ther 10 MWp PV system in 2023 — were managed by our team in various func­tions.


Loca­tion: Aus­tria / Styria
Tech­no­logy: Wind & PV-Hybrid
Capa­city: 32 MW + 12 MWp
Pro­ject ope­rator: ImWind
Period: 2011 — 2023

The plant is located at around 1900 metres above sea level and has been in ope­ra­tion since 2003. Several expan­sion stages — the expan­sion with a 2 MWp PV system in 2011 and an Enercon system in 2013, the repowe­ring of the first wind tur­bines with nine Vestas sys­tems in 2017 and the hybrid con­nec­tion of a fur­ther 10 MWp PV system in 2023 — were managed by our team in various func­tions.


Loca­tion: Aus­tria / Bur­gen­land
Tech­no­logy: Wind & PV‑Hybrid
Capa­city: 32 MWp
Pro­ject ope­rator: ImWind
Period: 2021 — 2024

The power pro­duced at the ImWind PV pro­ject Nickels­dorf Süd is fed into the grid via exis­ting wind farms in the neigh­bour­hood as hybrid con­nec­tions. Con­cep­tua­li­sing the system con­trol, ensu­ring grid con­for­mity, the ten­de­ring pro­s­cess as well as cosn­truc­tion phase was an exci­ting task in a new field of appli­ca­tion.


Loca­tion: Aus­tria / Bur­gen­land
Tech­no­logy: Wind & PV‑Hybrid
Leis­tung: 32 MWp
Pro­ject ope­rator: ImWind
Period: 2021 — 2024

The power pro­duced at the ImWind PV pro­ject Nickels­dorf Süd is fed into the grid via exis­ting wind farms in the neigh­bour­hood as hybrid con­nec­tions. Con­cep­tua­li­sing the system con­trol, ensu­ring grid con­for­mity, the ten­de­ring pro­s­cess as well as cosn­truc­tion phase of the ImWind part was an exci­ting task in a new field of appli­ca­tion.


Loca­tion: Poland / Woi­wod­schaft West­pom­mern
Tech­no­logy: Wind
Capa­city: 218 MW
Pro­ject ope­rator: Allianz Capital Part­ners
Period: 2020 — 2023

The total of ten wind farms — with a feed-in to the 110kV grid of the Polish ENERGA — were accom­pa­nied as inde­pen­dent tech­nical advisor from the tech­nical due dili­gence, through the purchase, con­s­truc­tion pre­pa­ra­tion and opti­mi­sa­tion, to the con­s­truc­tion.


Loca­tion: Colombia / La Gua­jira
Tech­no­logy: Wind
Capa­city: 550 MW
Pro­ject ope­rator: ImWind
Period: 2016 — 2019

In a joint ven­ture, five wind farm clus­ters were deve­loped, tech­ni­cally opti­mised and approved for con­nec­tion to a newly con­s­tructed 500 kV grid node at the Carib­bean pro­ject site under chal­len­ging con­di­tions. The pro­ject was sold to the Ame­rican AES Group.


Loca­tion: Romania / Racatau
Tech­no­logy: Small hydro­power plant
Capa­city: 1,6 MW
Pro­ject ope­rator: A.T.S. Energy
Period: 2012 — 2019

The Racatau small hydro­power plant was con­verted from a two-stage Francis tur­bine solu­tion to a Pelton tur­bine. We were then respon­sible for the ten­de­ring and con­s­truc­tion manage­ment and, after com­mis­sio­ning, the ope­ra­tional manage­ment inclu­ding elec­tri­city cer­ti­fi­cate tra­ding for the rene­wable energy gene­rated. The pro­ject was sold in 2019 fol­lo­wing a posi­tive due dili­gence.


Loca­tion: Romania / Tulcea
Tech­no­logy: Wind
Capa­city: 230 MW
Pro­ject ope­rator: Ver­bund
Period: 2008 — 2013

With an installed capa­city of 230 MW and the asso­ciated sub­sta­tion for the grid con­nec­tion to the Roma­nian 400 kV trans­mis­sion grid of Tran­sel­ec­trica, the Casimcea pro­ject is one of the big­gest mile­stones in our career. The tasks ranged from the deve­lo­p­ment and ten­de­ring of the wind tur­bines and trans­former sta­tion to pro­ject manage­ment.


Loca­tion: Aus­tria / Lower Aus­tria
Tech­no­logy: Agri-PV
Capa­city: 5 MWp
Pro­ject ope­rator: ImWind
Period: lau­fend seit 2023

The dual uti­li­sa­tion of the land for elec­tri­city gene­ra­tion on the one hand and agri­cul­tural use on the other is made pos­sible in the PV Gawe­instal pro­ject by the use of tra­ckers. We use our exper­tise to pro­vide sup­port in areas such as plan­ning the system layout and esti­mating the yield and costs for this spe­cial appli­ca­tion.


Loca­tion: Aus­tria / Lower Aus­tria
Tech­no­logy: Wind & PV-Hybrid
Capa­city: 5 MWp
Pro­ject ope­rator: Muni­ci­pa­lity Traut­manns­dorf & Part­ners
Period: ongoing since 2023

In the Traut­manns­dorf pro­ject, the muni­ci­pa­lity of Traut­manns­dorf is plan­ning PV sys­tems tog­e­ther with the coope­ra­tive of beet far­mers and three pri­vate part­ners. These are to be installed on and around the aban­doned beet site and fed into the grid via a shared hybrid grid con­nec­tion to an exis­ting wind farm. Our task is to manage and coor­di­nate the pro­ject.


Loca­tion: Aus­tria / Lower Aus­tria
Tech­no­logy: Wind & PV-Plants
Pro­ject ope­rator: Ver­bund
Period: 2014 — 2020

The orga­ni­sa­tion of tech­nical ope­ra­tion manage­ment, inclu­ding the ser­vice team for cor­rec­tive and pre­ven­tive main­ten­ance of wind and PV plants, is one of our areas of exper­tise. The imple­men­ta­tion of digital work­force manage­ment at Ver­bund has enabled stan­dar­dised work plan­ning and docu­men­ta­tion and sup­ported tar­geted resource plan­ning.