About Us

The moti­va­tion for foun­ding STROMSTÄRKE came from our shared pas­sion for the high-qua­lity rea­li­sa­tion of pro­jects in the field of rene­wable ener­gies. Our holi­stic approach enables us to plan and develop pro­jects effi­ci­ently and bring them suc­cessfully into ope­ra­tion. We attach great importance to qua­lity, relia­bi­lity and cus­tomer satis­fac­tion.

As an expe­ri­enced team of experts, we have exten­sive tech­nical know-how and a proven track record in the rea­li­sa­tion of pro­jects. From the initial pro­ject idea through to ope­ra­tion, we sup­port our cus­to­mers and part­ners with our exper­tise and help them to achieve their goals. We also pursue our own deve­lo­p­ments in the wind and PV sec­tors.mm

„We are con­viced that a struc­tured work pro­cess, sound
exper­tise and respectful coope­ra­tion are the key to suc­cess.”


About Us

About Us

The moti­va­tion for foun­ding STROMSTÄRKE came from our shared pas­sion for the high-qua­lity rea­li­sa­tion of pro­jects in the field of rene­wable ener­gies. Our holi­stic approach enables us to plan and develop pro­jects effi­ci­ently and bring them suc­cessfully into ope­ra­tion. We attach great importance to qua­lity, relia­bi­lity and cus­tomer satis­fac­tion. As an expe­ri­enced team of experts, we have exten­sive tech­nical know-how and a proven track record in the rea­li­sa­tion of pro­jects. From the initial pro­ject idea through to ope­ra­tion, we sup­port our cus­to­mers and part­ners with our exper­tise and help them to achieve their goals. We also pursue our own deve­lo­p­ments in the wind and PV sec­tors.

The moti­va­tion for foun­ding STROMSTÄRKE came from our shared pas­sion for the high-qua­lity rea­li­sa­tion of pro­jects in the field of rene­wable ener­gies. Our holi­stic approach enables us to plan and develop pro­jects effi­ci­ently and bring them suc­cessfully into mmmmmm

ope­ra­tion. We attach great importance to qua­lity, relia­bi­lity and cus­tomer satis­fac­tion. As an expe­ri­enced team of experts, we have exten­sive tech­nical know-how and a proven track record in the rea­li­sa­tion of pro­jects. mmmmmmmm mm

From the initial pro­ject idea through to ope­ra­tion, we sup­port our cus­to­mers and part­ners with our exper­tise and help them to achieve their goals. We also pursue our own deve­lo­p­ments in the wind and PV sec­tors.

„We are con­viced that a struc­tured work pro­cess, sound
exper­tise and respectful coope­ra­tion are the key to suc­cess.”


„We are con­viced that a
work pro­cess, sound
exper­tise and respectful
coope­ra­tion are key to suc­cess.”


Dr. Roland Lindinger

Roland Lin­dinger laid the foun­da­tions of his tech­nical edu­ca­tion at the HTL Braunau in the field of energy tech­no­logy and con­tinued his stu­dies with a diploma and PhD in elec­trical engi­nee­ring at the Vienna Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy. He entered the world of rene­wable energy gene­ra­tion in 2009 through a trainee pro­gramme at Ver­bund. It was during this pro­gramme that he met Mark Suer and their joint work in wind and PV awa­kened his pas­sion for pro­ject manage­ment in this sector. Roland Lin­dinger has been involved in exci­ting and some­times chal­len­ging wind pro­jects in Aus­tria and neigh­bou­ring Euro­pean count­ries. Roland Lin­dinger was able to accom­pany and rea­lise exci­ting and some­times chal­len­ging wind pro­jects in Aus­tria and the sur­roun­ding Euro­pean region, from deve­lo­p­ment and pro­cu­re­ment to con­s­truc­tion manage­ment, as well as purchase nego­tia­tions and the asso­ciated tech­nical due dili­gence. This was fol­lowed by several years in the main­ten­ance of wind and PV sys­tems, during which he suc­cessfully built up and managed a main­ten­ance team and a new ser­vice loca­tion. When he joined ImWind at the begin­ning of 2021, his acti­vi­ties shifted to the deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of PV pro­jects. In addi­tion to the grid con­for­mity of the sys­tems, this area con­ti­nues to be the focus of his exper­tise and areas of appli­ca­tion after quit­ting and foun­ding STROMSTÄRKE 2023.

Dr. Roland Lindinger

Roland Lin­dinger laid the foun­da­tions of his tech­nical edu­ca­tion at the HTL Braunau in the field of energy tech­no­logy and con­tinued his stu­dies with a diploma and PhD in elec­trical engi­nee­ring at the Vienna Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy. He entered the world of rene­wable energy gene­ra­tion in 2009 through a trainee pro­gramme at Ver­bund. It was during this pro­gramme that he met Mark Suer and their joint work in wind and PV awa­kened his pas­sion for pro­ject manage­ment in this sector. Roland Lin­dinger has been involved in exci­ting and some­times chal­len­ging wind pro­jects in Aus­tria and neigh­bou­ring Euro­pean count­ries. Roland Lin­dinger was able to accom­pany and rea­lise exci­ting and some­times mmmmm

chal­len­ging wind pro­jects in Aus­tria and the sur­roun­ding Euro­pean region, from deve­lo­p­ment and pro­cu­re­ment to con­s­truc­tion manage­ment, as well as purchase nego­tia­tions and the asso­ciated tech­nical due dili­gence. This was fol­lowed by several years in the main­ten­ance of wind and PV sys­tems, during which he suc­cessfully built up and managed a main­ten­ance team and a new ser­vice loca­tion. When he joined ImWind at the begin­ning of 2021, his acti­vi­ties shifted to the deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of PV pro­jects. In addi­tion to the grid con­for­mity of the sys­tems, this area con­ti­nues to be the focus of his exper­tise and areas of appli­ca­tion after quit­ting and foun­ding STROMSTÄRKE 2023.

Dipl.- Ing. Mark Suer

Mark Suer has been working in the field of rene­wable ener­gies and energy effi­ci­ency since 1997 — initi­ally at Sie­mens in auto­ma­tion and con­trol tech­no­logy, then at Raiff­eisen in con­trac­ting and pro­ject finan­cing in Ger­many and abroad. At Ver­bund, where he was in charge of pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment, pro­cu­re­ment and con­s­truc­tion, he was given his first manage­ment tasks, in par­ti­cular pro­ject manage­ment for the first major pro­jects in Eas­tern Europe. As Mana­ging Director at ImWind, he then rea­lised a port­folio of several hundred mega­watts of wind in Aus­tria alone and was also respon­sible for ope­ra­tional manage­ment and its digi­ta­li­sa­tion. In the course of various pro­jects abroad, local elec­tri­city mar­ke­ting and the energy industry were always a chal­len­ging aspect of suc­cessful rea­li­sa­tion. He has been self-employed since 2020 and sup­ports many of his former com­pa­n­ions and pro­ject part­ners thanks to his know­ledge of the market. Mark Suer tea­ches at a tech­nical col­lege in Vienna and a uni­ver­sity of applied sci­ences in Upper Aus­tria and is pas­sio­nate about pas­sing on his know­ledge. He is also an aut­ho­rised elec­trical engi­nee­ring con­sul­tant. Mark Suer’s core com­pe­ten­cies include the ten­de­ring and nego­tia­tion of supply and instal­la­tion con­tracts for elec­trical sys­tems (wind, PV), yield opti­mi­sa­tion, sys­te­matic pro­ject manage­ment and the stra­tegic sup­port of teams.

Dipl.- Ing. Mark Suer

Mark Suer has been working in the field of rene­wable ener­gies and energy effi­ci­ency since 1997 — initi­ally at Sie­mens in auto­ma­tion and con­trol tech­no­logy, then at Raiff­eisen in con­trac­ting and pro­ject finan­cing in Ger­many and abroad. At Ver­bund, where he was in charge of pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment, pro­cu­re­ment and con­s­truc­tion, he was given his first manage­ment tasks, in par­ti­cular pro­ject manage­ment for the first major pro­jects in Eas­tern Europe. As Mana­ging Director at ImWind, he then rea­lised a port­folio of several hundred mega­watts of wind in Aus­tria alone and was also respon­sible for ope­ra­tional manage­ment and its digi­ta­li­sa­tion. In the course of various pro­jects abroad, local m mmmmmm

elec­tri­city mar­ke­ting and the energy industry were always a chal­len­ging aspect of suc­cessful rea­li­sa­tion. He has been self-employed since 2020 and sup­ports many of his former com­pa­n­ions and pro­ject part­ners thanks to his know­ledge of the market. Mark Suer tea­ches at a tech­nical col­lege in Vienna and a uni­ver­sity of applied sci­ences in Upper Aus­tria and is pas­sio­nate about pas­sing on his know­ledge. He is also an aut­ho­rised elec­trical engi­nee­ring con­sul­tant. Mark Suer’s core com­pe­ten­cies include the ten­de­ring and nego­tia­tion of supply and instal­la­tion con­tracts for elec­trical sys­tems (wind, PV), yield opti­mi­sa­tion, sys­te­matic pro­ject manage­ment and the stra­tegic sup­port of teams.

Dr. Roland Lindinger

Roland Lin­dinger laid the foun­da­tions of his tech­nical edu­ca­tion at the HTL Braunau in the field of energy tech­no­logy and con­tinued his stu­dies with a diploma and PhD in elec­trical engi­nee­ring at the Vienna Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy. He entered the world of rene­wable energy gene­ra­tion in 2009 through a trainee pro­gramme at Verbund.It was during this pro­gramme that he met Mark Suer and their joint work in wind and PV awa­kened his pas­sion for

pro­ject manage­ment in this sector. Roland Lin­dinger has been involved in exci­ting and some­times chal­len­ging wind pro­jects in Aus­tria and neigh­bou­ring Euro­pean count­ries. Roland Lin­dinger was able to accom­pany and rea­lise exci­ting and some­times chal­len­ging wind pro­jects in Aus­tria and the sur­roun­ding Euro­pean region, from deve­lo­p­ment and pro­cu­re­ment to con­s­truc­tion manage­ment, as well as purchase nego­tia­tions and the asso­ciated tech­nical due dili­gence. This was fol­lowed by several years in the main­ten­ance of wind and PV sys­tems, during which he suc­cessfully built up and managed a main­ten­ance team and a new ser­vice loca­tion. When he joined ImWind at the begin­ning of 2021, his acti­vi­ties shifted to the deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of PV pro­jects. In addi­tion to the grid con­for­mity of the sys­tems, this area con­ti­nues to be the focus of his exper­tise and areas of appli­ca­tion after quit­ting and foun­ding STROMSTÄRKE 2023.

Dipl.- Ing. Mark Suer

Mark Suer has been working in the field of rene­wable ener­gies and energy effi­ci­ency since 1997 — initi­ally at Sie­mens in auto­ma­tion and con­trol tech­no­logy, then at Raiff­eisen in con­trac­ting and pro­ject finan­cing in Ger­many and abroad. At Ver­bund, where he was in charge of pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment, pro­cu­re­ment and con­s­truc­tion, he was given his first manage­ment tasks, in par­ti­cular pro­ject manage­ment for the

first major pro­jects in Eas­tern Europe. As Mana­ging Director at ImWind, he then rea­lised a port­folio of several hundred mega­watts of wind in Aus­tria alone and was also respon­sible for ope­ra­tional manage­ment and its digi­ta­li­sa­tion. In the course of various pro­jects abroad, local elec­tri­city mar­ke­ting and the energy industry were always a chal­len­ging aspect of suc­cessful rea­li­sa­tion. He has been self-employed since 2020 and sup­ports many of his former com­pa­n­ions and pro­ject part­ners thanks to his know­ledge of the market. Mark Suer tea­ches at a tech­nical col­lege in Vienna and a uni­ver­sity of applied sci­ences in Upper Aus­tria and is pas­sio­nate about pas­sing on his know­ledge. He is also an aut­ho­rised elec­trical engi­nee­ring con­sul­tant. Mark Suer’s core com­pe­ten­cies include the ten­de­ring and nego­tia­tion of supply and instal­la­tion con­tracts for elec­trical sys­tems (wind, PV), yield opti­mi­sa­tion, sys­te­matic pro­ject manage­ment and the stra­tegic sup­port of teams.